Why donate?
Prairie Voices Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization. Donations contribute towards various initiatives, including:
commissioning choral works
marketing and promotion
touring in Canada and internationally
album recording and production
How can I donate?
Easiest way: fill out the form below!
Donate securely online via Paypal.
Donate by mail. To donate to Prairie Voices Inc, please send cheques to
Prairie Voices Inc.
P.O. Box 26052
676 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB
R3G 0M4
Donations in kind (such as printing services, donations of space, or supplies for our concerts) are always welcome. Contact us at for more information.
Donation Level
In recognition and appreciation of our donors, Prairie Voices Inc. offers the following forms of donation acknowledgement:
Prairie Sky ($5,000+)
2 season tickets to all Prairie Voices Inc. concerts
Copies of all Prairie Voices recorded albums
Verbal acknowledgement at Prairie Voices Inc. events
Logo and name in program for one year
Performance at a company/private event (quartet, octet)
Reserved seating at fundraising concerts (Tasting Notes, Lyrics & Lager)
Meadowlark ($2,500 to $4,999)
2 season tickets to all Prairie Voices Inc. concerts
Copies of all Prairie Voices albums
Verbal acknowledgement at Prairie Voices Inc. events
Logo and/or name in program for one year
Reserved seating at fundraising concerts (Tasting Notes, Lyrics & Lager)
Poplar ($750 to $2,499)
2 tickets to three Prairie Voices Inc. concerts of your choice
Name in program for one year
Sunflower ($200 to $749)
2 tickets to "In The Family" concert
Name in program for one year
Daisy ($10 to $199)
All donations receive a charitable tax receipt
Name in program for one year